6 Ways to Cultivate Optimism Each Day

Do you know how to cultivate optimism each day? You might be surprised to hear that optimism is not an innate quality. It’s something you need to work at and put your mind to.

Optimism and pessimism are ways of looking at yourself and the world through a positive or negative filter.  Once you think of them as reflections of your mindset, it becomes much easier to believe you can change. Like any new behavior, you need to practice every day for it to become a habit. Try these six suggestions to cultivate your optimism every day.

Six way to cultivate optimism in your life.
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5 Benefits of Daily Optimism: Happiness, Health and More

There is increasing evidence that there are measurable benefits of daily optimism, not just for your mental health, but your physical well-being too. Studies have shown that as you become more optimistic, your life will improve in all sorts of ways. You’re even likely to have a longer life, just from being more hopeful and positive.

Here are five benefits of daily optimism.

benefits of daily optimism
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