Overcoming Mental Exhaustion: How to Defeat the Fatigue

I received an interesting email today about how resistance causes fatigue, and I realized I was getting a message from my guides. You see, for the last year, I have put off my healing work to focus on my “day job” of writing and editing for clients. I have done this kind of work for nearly 30 years, and I’m good at it – until I wasn’t.

defeating mental fatigue

Photo 133510920 / Mental Exhaustion © Alphaspirit | Dreamstime.com

Since the beginning of 2023, I have been getting increasingly more and more exhausted. I reached the point where all I could do at the end of the day was go to bed, often without eating more than a few crackers. And I was not happy with the quality of work I was putting out. Often, I’d create an article and have no idea what I had even written. 

Recognizing the Problem

Obviously, this was not healthy. I knew something had to give, and fast. I was at the breaking point and worried about what would happen when I finally “snapped.”

What was the problem? For one, I just didn’t enjoy my work. I love editing, but most of the work I was getting was writing work. That work was usually on topics I didn’t find particularly interesting, but it was a niche that was in demand and usually paid well.

Secondly, because I had to focus so much on work that I didn’t enjoy, I had less time to focus on the things I love. I think most people have the ability to go home after work and find refreshment in things they enjoy, but I just didn’t have the energy. So instead of turning to yoga, meditation, Reiki, and herbs, I just went to bed. When I did that, I couldn’t sleep, no matter how exhausted I felt, so I was even more tired the next day. 

Can you relate to this? I bet you can. What are the issues in your life that make you feel the way I was feeling?

The Effects of Mental Exhaustion

You become stressed when you are unhappy with your work or other areas of your life. And while a certain amount of stress is normal and even healthy, too much stress makes your heart work harder, weakens your immune system, and causes extreme fatigue.

On a more spiritual level, your stress is caused by your own resistance to your true calling or higher self. You’re, in essence, fighting yourself, and that’s never a good thing because it causes mental exhaustion. This is different from physical fatigue in that it results in a chronic feeling of lack of motivation or energy.

Signs of Mental Exhaustion

According to an article from HealthCentral, mental exhaustion is caused by “worrying or the difficulty in coping with a situation in your life.” Are you dealing with mental exhaustion? Here are some symptoms you may recognize:

  • Anxiety, irritability, or moodiness
  • Dizziness and blurred vision
  • Feeling like your actions don’t matter or that you can’t change anything
  • Feelings of weakness or soreness in the muscles
  • Having trouble concentrating or focusing
  • Headache
  • Lack of motivation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Short-term memory problems
  • Slow reflexes or difficulty making decisions

If you are experiencing these symptoms, it’s time to take action. 

How to Defeat Mental Exhaustion

How I defeated mental exhaustion may not be an option for everyone, but I was at a point of desperation. I actually broke down into tears every time I sat down to work. My husband recognized the toll my work was taking on my mental and physical health and told me to quit; it wasn’t worth it. And I did just that, with no backup income or real plan other than to refocus my efforts on my healing work. The work I love!

Now, obviously, not everyone can just quit their job when they are mentally exhausted. I get that, and I realize that I am very fortunate. But that doesn’t mean you have no options! The article I mentioned above says the first step to take is to identify what is causing your mental exhaustion so you can take steps to resolve it. Thinking about ways to fix the problem will take time because the solution isn’t always easy to see. Give yourself this time and make it a priority.

Action Steps

While you do this, there are other things you can do, including yoga and meditation, that are critical for physical and emotional health. One thing I can highly recommend is yoga nidra, and soon I will have some recordings available for you to use. Feel free to message me, and I can send an intro recording for you to try. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes!

A second highly useful modality is Reiki. Reiki will aid in balancing your energy so you can handle stress better and heal yourself. Energy work has been shown useful in managing anxiety, depression, and even chronic pain. You owe it to yourself to give it a try, whether you choose an in-person session or a distance session. Once you experience the benefits, it will quickly become a crucial part of your self-care routine.

Thirdly, I suggest Ear Seeds. Ear Seeds are a non-invasive, drug-free solution for stress, anxiety, and chronic pain. And they are fun when you choose the Swarovski crystals! You can learn more about Ear Seeds to see how amazing they are. Book an appointment for me to apply them, or order a kit of your own. (A bit of a disclaimer: I have a hard time applying them to my own ears; it’s easier to have someone else do it. However, many people do it themselves and love the results!)

Are You Ready?

Are you ready to beat the fatigue and conquer your mental exhaustion? Message me to book your appointment. I can’t wait to work with you as your healing partner!