4 Simple Tips to Develop a Positive Attitude

Develop a positive attitude to eliminate negativity. This isn’t about pretending life is perfect. It’s about knowing that the problems won’t last forever. Your thoughts and outlook on life have a profound effect on how you live your life. They are also contagious. They affect those around you. You can’t have both positive and negative in the same space. So why not focus on turning the negativity into something more positive?

develop a positive attitude, create a life you love

It takes time to develop a positive attitude if you’re used to looking on the not-so-bright side of life. And in truth, life isn’t always that bright. But if you take time every day to focus on the positive, you’ll find that the dark times are easier to live with, because they will pass soon. You will find you have more energy and enthusiasm when you have a more positive attitude. People will want to be around you more, and will be more positive as well, leading to a cascade effect. Negativity tends to bring you down and steal away your energy. It can also cause health issues over time. Some ways you can develop a more positive attitude are below.

Read Books to Develop a Positive Attitude

There are lots books out there that can teach you about how to develop a positive mindset and eliminate the negativity in your life. Reading is not only a great way to learn, but it helps your brain build more connections which keep it healthy for a longer time. You can even find many very good books on this subject in your local library and read them for free.

Now if you’re thinking, “I hate reading” or “I don’t have time to read”, I have a solution. You don’t have to read deep books that go into the psychology of the mind or anything like that. There are plenty of books that just give you one short page a day to focus on. I’m actually reading two right now.

A Year of Mindfulness for Beginners by Lee Papa gives a short mantra, prompt, or meditation for every day of the year. So even if you hate reading, you cam just read a sentence or two and lit it set your mind for the day. For example, today, March 2nd, says, “As you go about your day, repeat this affirmation silently: ‘I am abundant always and in all ways.'” If you have Kindle Unlimited you can even read the book for free, so no excusus!

The other book is A Year of Self-Love by Troy L. Love, MSW, LCSW, also available on Kindle Unlimited. It’s set up the same way as the first book I mentioned, with one passage a day to give you inspiration for self-love each day. Spend a few minutes each morning reading the daily passage for each while you drink your coffee, and you’ll begin your day with a more positive attitude.


Affirmations are a way of reprogramming the negative thoughts you tell yourself – and in many cases, you may not even be aware that you have them. By doing affirmations, you can change these negative thoughts into positive ones. You can start thinking better of yourself.

One example of affirmations is above. I am abundant always and in all ways. But there are many others that you can use to reset your thinking.

  • I am enough.
  • I can accomplish whatever I want.
  • I am loved deeply.
  • I allow myself to be who I am.

You get the idea. Spend some time today writing a few affirmations that you can fall back on when you are feeling like things are too much for you.


Meditation is a great way to help eliminate negativity and turn it into positive thinking. It also reduces stress. Because you get past the conscious level, you can really help reprogram your mindset with meditation. If you combine this with the affirmations, you can increase the results.

I try to meditate every day, but I realize that isn’t always easy. If you think you can’t meditate, realize there are many ways to do it. You don’t have to sit cross-legged on the floor chanting OM. You can meditate by listening to relaxing music or going for a walk in nature. Whatever you need to do to clear your mind and relax is a form of meditation. Request my free yoga nidra recording and you’ll have a type of guided meditation that you can use every day.

Spend Time With Positive People

Try to eliminate or limit contact with people who tend to have a negative mindset. Sometimes this is easier said than done. Especially if they are family or people you work with. But try to spend time with positive people as much as possible. Not only will you find it easier to be positive around them, but you may learn new ways to help yourself be more positive.

When you must engage with negative people, set boundaries. For example, limit visits with negative family members. Also consider learning to shield yourself from people who feel draining to you.

You can’t eliminate all negativity from your life. It’s just not possible because we live in the real world. But if you set your mind to it and use tools and techniques to reduce negativity as much as possible, you’ll not only feel better about yourself and have more energy and zest for life, but you will be physically healthier. Negative people drain their mental and physical well-being by their mindset. So, learn to develop a positive attitude.