Forgiveness: How to Make Peace with Your Past

Do you need to make peace with your past? When people treat you wrong, it’s very easy to hold a grudge against them. This is a problem because holding a grudge harbors anger, which in turn makes it difficult to move forward with your life. Fixating on negative emotions will not help you feel better, and it’s not healthy for you mentally or physically. In fact, many times physical discomforts are the result of holding negative emotions in our bodies. Not only that, but when you hold on to negative emotions, you seem to attract more negativity to you.

Write a letter to release your past.

Forgiving another person doesn’t necessarily mean they have to stay in your life. You don’t even have to tell them that you’ve forgiven them. You don’t have to trust them again. Just forgive them to eliminate the negativity in your life. Easier said than done? Here is some information on forgiveness that may help you.

How Can You Apply Forgiveness in Your Life

You may find it hard to believe, but even the worst things can be forgiven. Though these are often the most difficult to forgive. However, in many cases when someone does something really terrible to someone else, they don’t care. Who is really hurt by not forgiving someone like that? Is it them? Or is it you?

This is what you need to understand so you can learn how you can apply forgiveness in your life, and do it successfully: Forgiveness isn’t the same as acceptance. Forgiving isn’t saying what was done to you was acceptable. You are saying that you are releasing what happened for your own personal healing. You are forgiving yourself for holding on to the pain that someone else has inflicted upon you.

Forgive their inability to have compassion for others. Forgive their lack of understanding. Forgive them for being raised in such a way to think the negative behavior is acceptable. Forgive whatever you need to forgive in order to let it go.

Write and Release to Make Peace with Your Past

Here is something to try. Write a letter as if you plan on sending it to the other person. Talk about how what they did made you feel, and about how it made you think about yourself. Write about how you are no longer going to allow them space in your head and how you forgive them for what they did to you.

When you finish writing, seal up the letter in an envelope and put their name on the front. Then burn the letter and dispose of the ashes. The person you forgive doesn’t have to read the letter. This exercise is to help you get past the negativity and the chains that are holding you back as a person. If you have to do it more than once, that’s okay.

Energy Work Therapy

Energy work can also help you heal from past wrongs, make peace with your past, and move on with your life. You can combine meditation, Reiki, Yoga Nidra, and crystals to balance your energies and help you release the negative energy that burdens you.

You may also want to talk with a professional. Therapy can really help you get past this hurdle. Especially if the person committed a serious crime. In the case of abuse, you may need therapy to help you release your past. There is nothing wrong with seeking help and when you combine therapy with energy work, you can receive some fantastic results.

Make Peace with Your Past: Forgiveness Benefits

Forgiveness feels like a weight that is lifted or chains that are removed. You’ll feel lighter and freer.

Grudges are not healthy for you and they do not affect the other person. When you bottle up negative feelings, you can increase your risks of developing heart disease, and other health conditions. You tend to age faster as well. Not forgiving others can dim your overall outlook on life, so why put yourself through all of that?

Remember that forgiveness isn’t about the other person, it’s about eliminating the negativity in your own life. So free yourself today and make peace with your past.